Lecturer in Paramedic Science 1.0 fte

Employer: University Campus Suffolk
Salary within range £33,574 - £38,896 per annum

The Faculty of Health and Science at UCS is a supportive institution committed to staff development, excellence in learning and teaching, scholarship and research.

With an ambitious vision for the future of our paramedic portfolio we are seeking an enthusiastic and dynamic paramedic lecturer to join our team.

This is a challenging but highly rewarding role that will add to your personal and professional development. The post presents regular, supported opportunities to broaden your knowledge and advance further your academic and clinical skill set.

The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic and dynamic paramedic, keen to be involved in the development of this new BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science programme, to ensure the best possible student experience. You will be expected to form close links with practice, develop placement opportunities and contribute to the provision of high quality learning and teaching.

Registration with the HCPC as a paramedic and DBS clearance are essential requirements of the post.

A secondment opportunity may be possible for this post.

Close Date: 12 May 2016

Interview Date: 3 June 2016

Please click here for the full job description.JD-Lecturer-in-Paramedic-Science-JD-06042016

How to apply:
Read the Guidance Notes.
Fill in the Application Cover Sheet
Fill in the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.
Attach a curriculum vitae and a covering letter setting out clearly how you meet the essential and desirable criteria for the post
EITHER return them as Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) attachments by email tojobs@ucs.ac.uk including the post title in the email subject heading

OR by post to:

The Human Resource Team
University Campus Suffolk
Waterfront Building
Neptune Quay
Ipswich IP4 1QJ

Lecturer in Paramedic Science 1.0 fte Lecturer in Paramedic Science 1.0 fte Reviewed by Admin on 19:12 Rating: 5
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