FPOS-I or above (EMT etc) Tunbridge
Wells 3 weeks ice skating rink cover £9 P/H
There is a requirement for a FPOS-I or above
qualified person for medical cover at an Ice-
Skating Rink at Tunbridge Wells for 3 weeks Mon-
Fri starting 25th November 2013.
Pay is £9 per hour.
If interested please contact via email
info@klearrock.com with Tunbridge in the subject
heading stating your qualifications in the text of
the email.
Wells 3 weeks ice skating rink cover £9 P/H
There is a requirement for a FPOS-I or above
qualified person for medical cover at an Ice-
Skating Rink at Tunbridge Wells for 3 weeks Mon-
Fri starting 25th November 2013.
Pay is £9 per hour.
If interested please contact via email
info@klearrock.com with Tunbridge in the subject
heading stating your qualifications in the text of
the email.
FPOS-I or above (EMT etc)
Reviewed by Admin